Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Game #58- Chicago Cubs

Chicago Cubs vs. Milwaukee Brewers Wrigley Field August 28th 2012 Not sure which ballpark is more prestigious, Fenway Park or Wrigley Field, but it is awesome that I have now been to both. I finished my horrendous comeback to the triathlon game (too hot, too humid, missed my wave, and am still out of shape after my surgery) and for the past two days have been exploring the city. I went on a river architecture tour, checked out Sears Tower (Willis now), Navy Pier, biked the entire stretch of park systems, and now am finally at the crescendo of my trip. I met up with an old college friend from Tri Delt, Kat Ochsner, who was a perfect guide tonight. She has been in the city for a couple of years as a bar tender and not only new all the cool bars but also most of the bar tenders. We hit up several pubs in Wrigleyville before ever setting foot in the stadium. Not sure if that was a good or bad thing because by the time we got inside I was pretty tossed. It was cool to walk around the park and check out the statues (favorite was Harry Caray), saw all the rooftop bleachers, and got a picture in front of the most famous billboard in the country if not the world. After a six pack of various beers we made our way in and didn’t even try to find our seats. I wanted a couple pictures from the bleachers but since you can’t sit there without a ticket we got as close as we could. Not being satisfied with the view we soon made our way to the first base line and shacked up there for a couple of innings. Now I am not going to lie, by the time we sat down I could not pay attention to the game at all. I do remember a couple of plays but that was it. Maybe because the Cubs were already down 3-0 in the second and never had a chance to get back into the game, or maybe because I should have stopped drinking about 2 hours before, but the time in the park was a haze. Kat and I decided that the game was not worth sticking around and another beer at her bar (Crossroads Public) was a better idea. Cubbies lost 4-1, I didn’t know a single player on the field, and it sucks when the home team is getting booed. Next time I am here I hope for a win…I also got to find the bar with an indoor batting cage!!!

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