Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Game #59- Miami Dolphins

Miami Dolphins vs. New York Jets Sun Life Stadium September 24, 2012 Now I understand why they call Florida the armpit of the US. I am in Miami for one of my best friends bachelor party, Danny Inouye, along with my other best friend Danny Givertz and DI’s little brother Ivan. We rolled into town on Friday and hit up Brickell Street, then completed a 13 hours drinking binge on Saturday before heading to the game (with a horrific hangover) on Sunday. I have felt humidity before, Boston and Gaithersburg are fairly miserable in summer, but Miami is a sauna. Let me put it this way, I think I sweated more sitting at the game then during the entire Arizona Ironman. What can make this situation worse, oh how about a horrific game. Both teams played like crap. I really didn’t care who won and honestly would have done anything to have stayed in bed in an air conditioned hotel but DI loves Mark Sanchez and had to cheer on the Jets. It wouldn’t have been so bad if there was anything exciting to root on. The passing was piss pour by both Sanchez as well as rookie QB Ryan Tannehill, all the running plays went right up the gut with no break outs (in fact the best rusher, Reggie Bush got injured and was taken out of the game), and did I mention the reffing was atrocious? The NFL refs are in a labor dispute so the back up judges are from arena leagues and division II colleges. Honestly they do not know what they are doing! When there are so many flags thrown that a 16 minute quarter lasts over an hour it is ridiculous. Well what can I say, we didn’t want to be at the game, and were grateful to get out of there a bit early. Thank God because it went into OT which made the game last nearly 5 hours. The Jets pulled out the victory with a 33 yard field goal by Nick Folk to take the 23-20 win. Woopty doo…
Two more memorable parts of the game, one good and one bad. The good…the kiss cam. Everyone knows the kiss cam but rarely is it this funny. The final two people they showed were Tim Tebow and Clyde Gates, at the last second Isaiah Trufant pushed the players heads together to the delight of the crowd. The bad, the insanely loud and drunk guys in front of us. Imagine the Ying Yang twins screaming “Fuck ‘em up” about a thousand times…f-ing annoying.

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