New York Yankees vs. Kansas City Royals
Original Yankees Stadium
June 7, 2008
My buddy from college, Pete Oskin and I decided to hit up New York for a game and some partying. We tried to get a weekend when both the Yankees and Mets had a home game but the cards did not fall in place. Of the two stadiums, both Shea and Yankee, we really wanted to hit up the Yankees for all the history and prestige. I mean think of all the players that have rolled out onto the field…Babe Ruth, Gehrig, Mantle, Dimagio, Berra, not to mention 26 world series titles. This was the last year it would be open, the new stadium already up less then a couple hundred meters away…it was surreal to be there. Anyway, Pete and I headed to the game and as soon as we left the hotel…drenched in sweat. The day before was 70 degrees, slight breeze, perfect. Game day…98 degrees, 95 percent humidity, and the unique smell of New York that you think of when watching NYPD Blue. We hit the closest subway, not too many people and air-conditioning, so we were pretty stoked. I didn’t realize we had about 25 stops before we got to the Bronx. By the time we arrived the train was packed, everyone had a Yankee shirt or jersey, and that unforgettable NY accent got thicker and thicker the closer we got to the ballpark. When we finally got off it was mayhem, tons of vendors, thousands of people and even hotter…yuck! The sun was blazing so Pete and I went in search for some sunscreen, something we can find at any corner store in So-Cal. After 6 liquor stores we finally managed to get a giant bottle for $12 and it was that crappy kind that simply sticks to you and doesn’t rub in…not good when you are already sweating. We headed to the front gates to snap some pictures and have a dog and coke from a vendor, you know the NY thing to do. Then we went into the famous ballpark and wow you could tell this place was falling apart but has such a mystic about it. Our seats were way up top, provided fantastic views, and luckily the blazing sun was blocked by the quarter roof. Thank God for the shade because we were there forever! The ump was hit by a ball and that stopped the game for 40 minutes, then the heat slowed play down, and it went into extra innings. Not to say it wasn’t a great game, we saw Jason Giambi , mustache and all, nail a towering homer to left field, Jorge Posada got a couple hits with the chants of “hip hip Jorge” and A-Rod smacked one over dead center…but over 4 hours in that heat, humidity and absolutely no wind…fuhgettaboutit! The Yanks won in the 11th inning 12-11, the crowd went nuts, another game in the bag. According to the outfield sign there are only 50 games left in the famous ballpark, I am glad we caught one before this place is closed forever.
Notes on the stadium: What can I say, it's Yankee Stadium! From the bridge that tells fans of their 26 World Championships, one of the most famous entrances with "Yankee Stadium" emblazoned in the front, the old white rafters that now line the back of the stadium, and all the retired numbers in center field.
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